Vinci-Biochem Srl
Via Ponte di Bagnolo, 10
50059 Vinci (Firenze) Italy

Tel: +39  0571 568 147 e 0571 568 135

Avidin/Biotin Blocking Kit Set

  ICT-AR-6585-02 50 ml

Long Term Storage

Some tissue sections contain endogenous biotin, biotin binding proteins, lectins or non-specific binding substances. Tissues may also bind avidin, biotin, peroxidase biotin, peroxidase streptavidin in avidin biotin based Immunohistochemistry. These tissues will give high background in the absence of biotinylated secondary antibodies. It may be necessary to block the tissue with avidin, followed by biotin. These reagents are added before the primary antibody.


ESCLUSIVAMENTE PER USO DI RICERCA (RUO) e non per uso terapeutico o diagnostico su uomini o animali. Il prodotto NON è un Dispositivo Medico o un Diagnostico in Vitro.
PRODUCT FOR RESEARCH USE ONLY (RUO) and not for therapeutic or diagnostic use on humans or animals. The product is NOT a Medical Device or an In-Vitro Diagnostic (IVD).
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    Vinci-Biochem Srl
    Via Ponte di Bagnolo, 10
    50059 Vinci (Firenze) Italy
    Tel:+39 0571 568147
    P. IVA 05706610481
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