Vinci-Biochem Srl
Via Ponte di Bagnolo, 10
50059 Vinci (Firenze) Italy

Tel: +39  0571 568 147 e 0571 568 135

Argania Spinosa Kernel Oil (natural) (pure)

  IAX-700-001-L010 10 ml

Data Sheet:     SDS:    

Source / Host
Isolated from Argania spinosa.  


100% (cold pressed, unrefined)  


Short Term Storage

Long Term Storage

Shelf Life
Stable for at least 1 year after receipt when stored at +20°C.  

Chemical. CAS: 223747-87-3. Isolated from Argania spinosa. Argan oil is pressed from the kernels of the fruits from the argan tree (Argania spinosa (L.) Skeels; Sapotaceae) that is endemic to southwest Morocco. Cold pressed argan oil is characterized by high levels of linoleic and oleic acids, tocopherols (in particular γ-tocopherol), and minor compounds such as sterols, carotenoids, and squalene. The main fatty acids in these triglycerides, are oleic and linoleic acids (47% and 33%, respectively), as well as omega-6 fatty acids. Saturated fatty acids in the triglycerides of argan oil are stearic and palmitic acid (5.5% and 15.5%, respectively). Minor components of argan oil include polyphenols, qualene, carotenes, triterpene alcohols and sterols (spinasterol, schottenol). Pre-clinical and clinical studies report hypolipidemic, hypocholesterolemic, hypoglycemic and antihypertensive effects of nutritional use of argan oil in addition to its well-documented anti-oxidant and moisturizing effects used for external cosmetic applications. Used for topical application, as food supplement and as solvent aid for lipophilic compounds.


ESCLUSIVAMENTE PER USO DI RICERCA (RUO) e non per uso terapeutico o diagnostico su uomini o animali. Il prodotto NON è un Dispositivo Medico o un Diagnostico in Vitro.
PRODUCT FOR RESEARCH USE ONLY (RUO) and not for therapeutic or diagnostic use on humans or animals. The product is NOT a Medical Device or an In-Vitro Diagnostic (IVD).
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    Vinci-Biochem Srl
    Via Ponte di Bagnolo, 10
    50059 Vinci (Firenze) Italy
    Tel:+39 0571 568147
    P. IVA 05706610481
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