Synonyms: coronavirus, Mpro, Main protease, native 3CL, 3C-like protease, SARS protease, SARS-ncov protease, covid, covid-19, covid19, Sars-cov-2, sars cov 2, sarscov2, 100823-1, 100823-2

Useful for the study of enzyme kinetics, screening inhibitors, and selectivity profiling.
34 kDa
-80°C (dry ice)
Literature References
1. Zhang, L., et al., Science. 2020 Apr; 368(6489): 409-412
2. Hsu, M.F. et al., JBC. 2005 Mar; 280:31257-31266.
2. Hsu, M.F. et al., JBC. 2005 Mar; 280:31257-31266.
ESCLUSIVAMENTE PER USO DI RICERCA (RUO) e non per uso terapeutico o diagnostico su uomini o animali. Il prodotto NON è un Dispositivo Medico o un Diagnostico in Vitro.
PRODUCT FOR RESEARCH USE ONLY (RUO) and not for therapeutic or diagnostic use on humans or animals. The product is NOT a Medical Device or an In-Vitro Diagnostic (IVD).