Vinci-Biochem Srl
Via Ponte di Bagnolo, 10
50059 Vinci (Firenze) Italy

Tel: +39  0571 568 147 e 0571 568 135

200x Ubi-Mix™

  BPS-82185-1 40 µl

Data Sheet:    

This product has been optimized for use with the BPS Bioscience Intrachain TR-FRET Assay Kits and U2 Assay Buffer (BPS Bioscience #78856). For a detailed protocol on the use of this product with BPS Bioscience Intrachain TR-FRET Assay Kits, please see the  

-80°C (dry ice)  


ESCLUSIVAMENTE PER USO DI RICERCA (RUO) e non per uso terapeutico o diagnostico su uomini o animali. Il prodotto NON è un Dispositivo Medico o un Diagnostico in Vitro.
PRODUCT FOR RESEARCH USE ONLY (RUO) and not for therapeutic or diagnostic use on humans or animals. The product is NOT a Medical Device or an In-Vitro Diagnostic (IVD).
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    Vinci-Biochem Srl
    Via Ponte di Bagnolo, 10
    50059 Vinci (Firenze) Italy
    Tel:+39 0571 568147
    P. IVA 05706610481
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