Product |
Size |
Code |
DS |
MA |
Mouse Anti-H. Influenzae B polyribosyl
phosphate (Hib-PRP) IgG ELISA Kit, 96
tests, Quantitative |
1 kit |
V3-980-120-PMG |
DS |
Rabbit Anti-H. Influenzae B polyribosyl
phosphate (Hib-PRP) IgG ELISA Kit, 96
tests, Quantitative |
1 kit |
V3-980-130-PRG |
DS |
Rabbit Anti-H. Influenzae B polyribosyl
phosphate (Hib-PRP) IgM ELISA Kit, 96
tests, Quantitative |
1 kit |
V3-980-140-PRM |
DS |
Mouse Anti-H. Influenzae protein D
(Non-typeable, NT-PHiD) IgG ELISA Kit,
96 tests, Quantitative |
1 kit |
V3-980-220-PDG |
HDAC8 Inhibitor Screening Assay Kit |
96 wells |
CAY-700230-96 |
DS |
HDAC9 Fluorogenic Assay Kit |
96 rxns. |
BPS-50069 |
DS |
EnzyChrom™ HDL and LDL/VLDL Assay Kit |
100 tests |
BAS-EHDL-100 |
DS |
HDL-Cholesterol Assay Kit |
96 wells |
CRY-80059 |
Mouse HDL-Cholesterol Assay Kit |
96 wells |
CRY-79990 |
Rat HDL-Cholesterol Assay Kit |
96 wells |
CRY-79970 |
HDL-LDL Cholesterol Assay |
100 wells |
AKR-MA-0124 |
DS |
Human Heat Shock Protein 70 (HSP70)
ELISA Kit, 96 tests, Quantitative |
1 kit |
V3-100-360-H70 |
DS |
Human Heat Shock Protein 90 (HSP90)
ELISA Kit, 96 tests, Quantitative |
1 kit |
V3-100-380-H90 |
DS |
QuantiChrom™ Heme Assay Kit |
250 tests |
BAS-DIHM-250 |
DS |
Human Heme Oxygenase (HO/HMOX1/HSP32)
ELISA Kit, 96 tests, Quantitative |
1 kit |
V3-100-540-HO1 |
Hemin Assay |
100 wells |
AKR-MA-0190 |
DS |
Human Hemoglobin A1c (HbA1c) Assay Kit |
96 wells |
CRY-80099 |
Mouse Hemoglobin A1c (HbA1c) Assay Kit |
96 wells |
CRY-80310 |
Rat Hemoglobin A1c (HbA1c) Assay Kit |
96 wells |
CRY-80300 |
Hemoglobin Assay |
100 wells |
AKR-MA-0193 |
DS |
QuantiChrom™ Hemoglobin Assay Kit |
250 tests |
BAS-DIHB-250 |
DS |
Hemoglobin Colorimetric Assay Kit |
2 x 96 wells |
CAY-700540-2x96 |
DS |
Hemoglobin ELISA Kit |
96 wells |
CRY-80715 |
Mouse Hemoglobin ELISA Kit |
96 wells |
CRY-80640 |
Rat Hemoglobin ELISA Kit |
96 wells |
CRY-80678 |
Mouse Hemopexin (Hpx) ELISA kit 96
tests, Quantitative |
1 kit |
V3-600-700-HPX |
DS |
Hemopexin ELISA Kit |
96 wells |
CRY-80716 |
Mouse Hemopexin ELISA Kit |
96 wells |
CRY-80641 |
Rat Hemopexin ELISA Kit |
96 wells |
CRY-80679 |
Rat Hemopexin ELISA kit 96 tests,
Quantitative |
1 kit |
V3-610-710-HPX |
DS |
Human Anti-Hepatitis A Virus IgG
(HAV-IgG) ELISA kit, Qualitative, 96
tests |
1 kit |
V3-4300-AHG |
DS |
Mouse Anti-Hepatitis B Surface Antigen
(anti-HBsAg) IgA ELISA kit, 96 tests,
quantitative |
1 kit |
V3-4210-30-IGA |
Rabbit Anti-Hepatitis B Surface Antigen
(anti-HBsAg) IgG ELISA kit, 96 tests,
quantitative |
1 kit |
V3-4240 |
DS |
Mouse Anti-Hepatitis B Surface Antigen
(anti-HBsAg) IgG ELISA kit, 96 tests,
quantitative |
1 kit |
V3-4210 |
DS |
Rat Anti-Hepatitis B Surface Antigen
(anti-HBsAg) IgG ELISA kit, 96 tests,
quantitative |
1 kit |
V3-4270 |
DS |
Mouse Anti-Hepatitis B Surface Antigen
(anti-HBsAg) IgM ELISA kit, 96 tests, ,
quantitative |
1 kit |
V3-4215 |
DS |
Hepatitis B Surface Antigen (HBsAg,
native or recombinant) ELISA Kit for
measuring soluble HBsAg in vaccine
formulated in Alum, 24 tests,
quantitative |
1 kit |
V3-4115 |
Hepatitis B Surface Antigen (HBsAg,
native or recombinant) ELISA Kit,
quantitative |
1 kit |
V3-4110 |
DS |
Drug-Incuded Hepatotoxicity Assay
Utilizing upcyte Hepatocytes, 2 x 48
format |
2 x 48 wells |
IND-ULC1003-48 |
DS |
Chemi-Verse™ HER2 Kinase Assay Kit |
96 reactions |
BPS-82552 |
HER2 Kinase Assay Kit |
96 rxns. |
BPS-40721 |
DS |
Mouse Anti-Her2 Protein (ECD) ELISA kit
for Her2 vaccine, 96 tests, Quantitative |
1 kit |
V3-200-620-HRH |
DS |
Human Anti-Her2 Protein (ECD) IgG ELISA
kit for Her2 vaccine, 96 tests,
Quantitative |
1 kit |
V3-200-600-HRH |
DS |
Human Anti-Her2 Protein (ECD) IgM ELISA
kit for Her2 vaccine, 96 tests,
Quantitative |
1 kit |
V3-200-610-HRM |
DS |
Mouse Anti-Her2 Protein (ECD) IgM ELISA
kit for Her2 vaccine, 96 tests,
Quantitative |
1 kit |
V3-200-630-HRM |
DS |
Mouse Anti-Her2 vaccine (AE37-peptide)
IgG ELISA kit, 96 tests, Quantitative |
1 kit |
V3-200-720-HRH |
DS |
Mouse Anti-Her2 vaccine (AE37-peptide)
IgM ELISA kit, 96 tests, Quantitative |
1 kit |
V3-200-670-HRM |
DS |
Mouse Anti-Her2 vaccine (AE37-peptide)
IgM ELISA kit, 96 tests, Quantitative |
1 kit |
V3-200-730-HRM |
DS |
Mouse Anti-Her2 vaccine (E75-peptide)
IgG ELISA kit, 96 tests, Quantitative |
1 kit |
V3-200-660-HRH |
DS |
Human Her2/neu/Erbb2/CD340 protein ELISA
kit, 96 tests, quantitative |
1 kit |
V3-200-530-HER |
DS |
Chemi-Verse™ HER4 Kinase Assay Kit |
96 reactions |
BPS-82553 |
Herceptin/Trastuzumab ELISA Kit for
human, 96 tests, quantitative |
1 kit |
V3-200-510-HLG |
DS |
Hexanoyl-Lys [HEL] ELISA Kit |
1 Kit |
JAI-KHL-700E |
DS |
MA |
Hexokinase Assay |
100 wells |
AKR-MA-0204 |
DS |
EnzyChrom™ Hexokinase Assay Kit |
100 tests |
BAS-EHXK-100 |
DS |
96 wells (1 kit) |
B-RD194017200R |
Ultrasensitive HGH ELISA Kit |
96 wells |
CRY-80585 |
TransAM® HIF-1 |
1 x 96 rxns |
V13-47096 |
DS |
TransAM® HIF-1 |
5 x 96 rxns |
V13-47596 |
DS |
HIF-1α Transcription Factor Assay Kit |
96 wells |
CAY-10006910-96 |
DS |
High Sensitivity C-Reactive Protein
(hs-CRP) ELISA Kit |
96 wells |
CRY-80955 |
HIPK3 Kinase Assay Kit |
96 rxns. |
BPS-78382 |
DS |
His-Tag Detection ELISA Kit |
96 solid wells |
CAY-10012445-96solid |
DS |
His-Tag Detection ELISA Kit |
96 strip wells |
CAY-10012445-96strip |
DS |
Histamine (High Sensitivity) ELISA Kit,
96 tests, Quantitative |
1 kit |
V3-1960-30 |
DS |
Histamine Assay (C) |
100 wells |
AKR-MA-0303 |
DS |
EnzyChrom™ Histamine Assay Kit |
100 tests |
BAS-EHIS-100 |
DS |
Histamine EIA Kit |
96 wells |
CAY-589651-96 |
DS |
Histamine ELISA kit |
96 wells |
BER-A05890.96 |
DS |
QuantiQuik™ Histamine Quick Test Strips |
10 tests |
DS |
Histidine-tag (poly-His/Hisx6) Protein
(His-tag-fusion protein) ELISA Kit, 96
tests, Quantitative |
1 kit |
V3-800-440-HIS |
DS |
Histone H3 acetyl Lys9 ELISA |
1 x 96 rxns |
V13-53114 |
DS |
Histone H3 dimethyl Lys4 ELISA |
1 x 96 rxns |
V13-53112 |
DS |
Histone H3 monomethyl Lys27 ELISA |
1 x 96 rxns |
V13-53104 |
DS |
Histone H3 monomethyl Lys4 ELISA |
1 x 96 rxns |
V13-53101 |
DS |
Histone H3 Mutation Antibody Panel (K4M,
K9M, K27M, K36M) |
1 Set |
REV-31-1326-MP-KI01 |
DS |
Histone H3 Mutation Antibody Panel (K4M,
K9M, K27M, K36M) + H3.3 Mutation (G34W,
G34R, G34V) |
1 Set |
REV-31-1327-MP-KI01 |
DS |
Histone H3 phospho Ser10 ELISA |
1 x 96 rxns |
V13-53111 |
DS |
Histone H3 phospho Ser28 ELISA |
1 x 96 rxns |
V13-53100 |
DS |
Total Histone H3 ELISA |
1 x 96 rxns |
V13-53110 |
DS |
Histone H3 trimethyl Lys27 ELISA |
1 x 96 rxns |
V13-53106 |
DS |
Histone H3 trimethyl Lys4 ELISA |
1 x 96 rxns |
V13-53113 |
DS |
Histone H3 trimethyl Lys9 ELISA |
1 x 96 rxns |
V13-53109 |
DS |
Histone H3(K9) Universal
Methyltransferase Assay Kit |
96 rxns. |
BPS-52072 |
DS |
Histone H3.3 Mutation Antibody Panel
(G34W, G34R, G34V) |
1 Set |
REV-31-1325-MP-KI01 |
DS |
Histone H4(R3) Methyltransferase Assay
Kit |
96 rxns. |
BPS-52074 |
DS |
Rat Anti-Histones IgG-specific ELISA
Kit, 96 tests, Quantitative |
1 kit |
V3-650-430-HIS |
DS |
Mouse Anti-Histones Ig's (total (A+G+M)
ELISA Kit, 96 tests, Quantitative |
1 kit |
V3-5610 |
DS |
Human anti-HIV gp120/gp41 IgG ELISA Kit |
1 Kit |
V3-HIV-060 |
Mouse anti-HIV gp120/gp41 IgG ELISA Kit |
1 Kit |
V3-HIV-080 |
Rat anti-HIV gp120/gp41 IgG ELISA Kit |
1 Kit |
V3-HIV-090 |
Human anti-HIV gp120/gp41 IgM ELISA Kit |
1 Kit |
V3-HIV-065 |
Mouse anti-HIV gp120/gp41 IgM ELISA Kit |
1 Kit |
V3-HIV-085 |
Rat anti-HIV gp120/gp41 IgM ELISA Kit |
1 Kit |
V3-HIV-100 |
Human anti-HIV p24 IgG ELISA Kit |
1 Kit |
V3-HIV-010 |
Mouse anti-HIV p24 IgG ELISA Kit |
1 Kit |
V3-HIV-030 |
Rat anti-HIV p24 IgG ELISA Kit |
1 Kit |
V3-HIV-040 |
Human anti-HIV p24 IgM ELISA Kit |
1 Kit |
V3-HIV-015 |
Mouse anti-HIV p24 IgM ELISA Kit |
1 Kit |
V3-HIV-035 |
Rat anti-HIV p24 IgM ELISA Kit |
1 Kit |
V3-HIV-045 |
HIV-1 p24 ELISA Kit, 96 tests,
Quantitative |
1 Kit |
V3-4705 |
DS |
Human anti HIV-2 gp36 IgG ELISA Kit |
1 Kit |
V3-HIV-115 |
Mouse anti HIV-2 gp36 IgG ELISA Kit |
1 Kit |
V3-HIV-135 |
Rat anti HIV-2 gp36 IgG ELISA Kit |
1 Kit |
V3-HIV-145 |
Human anti HIV-2 gp36 IgM ELISA Kit |
1 Kit |
V3-HIV-120 |
Mouse anti HIV-2 gp36 IgM ELISA Kit |
1 Kit |
V3-HIV-140 |
Rat anti HIV-2 gp36 IgM ELISA Kit |
1 Kit |
V3-HIV-150 |
HLA-DR (α and β chains) ELISA Kit |
96 wells |
CAY-501810-96 |
DS |
96 wells (1 kit) |
B-RD194070100R |
hMeDIP |
10 rxns |
V13-55010 |
DS |
HNP1-3, Human, ELISA kit |
1 x 96 det. |
HYC-HK317-01 |
DS |
HNP1-3, Human, ELISA kit |
2 x 96 det. |
HYC-HK317-02 |
DS |
HO-1 ELISA Kit |
96 well |
STR-SKT-111-96 |
DS |
Homocysteine Assay Kit (Ab) |
96 wells |
CRY-80494 |
Mouse Homocysteine Assay Kit (Ab) |
96 wells |
CRY-80444 |
Rat Homocysteine Assay Kit (Ab) |
96 wells |
CRY-80454 |
Homocysteine Assay Kit (Fl) |
96 wells |
CRY-80490 |
Mouse Homocysteine Assay Kit (Fl) |
96 wells |
CRY-80440 |
Rat Homocysteine Assay Kit (Fl) |
96 wells |
CRY-80450 |
Homocysteine ELISA kit, 96 tests,
Quantitative |
1 kit |
V3-0370-HCY |
DS |
SHP-2 (Full-Length) Homogeneous Assay
Kit |
96 rxns. |
BPS-79330 |
DS |
SHP-2 (catalytic domain) Homogeneous
Assay Kit |
96 rxns. |
BPS-79317 |
DS |
Horse Anti-Anthrax Protective Antigen 83
(PA83) IgG ELISA kit, 96 tests,
quantitative |
1 kit |
V3-900-145-83G |
DS |
Horse Anti-Cobra (Naja Naja) Antibody
ELISA Kit, 96 tests, Quantitative, 96
tests |
1 kit |
V3-570-100-CHG |
DS |
Horse Anti-Common (Cobra, Crait, Russels
and Saw scaled vipers) Antibody ELISA
Kit, 96 tests, Quantitative |
1 kit |
V3-570-140-XHG |
DS |
Horse Anti-Indian Krait (Bungarus
Caeruleus) Antibody ELISA Kit, 96 tests,
Quantitative |
1 kit |
V3-570-110-KHG |
DS |
Horse Anti-Russell's Viper (Vipera
Russelli) Antibody ELISA Kit, 96 tests,
Quantitative |
1 kit |
V3-570-120-RHG |
DS |
Horse Anti-Saw Scaled Viper (Echis
Carinatus) Antibody ELISA Kit, 96 tests,
Quantitative |
1 kit |
V3-570-130-SHG |
DS |
Monkey Anti-West Nile Virus NS1 Protein
(WNV-NS1) IgG ELISA kit, 96 tests,
Quantitative |
1 kit |
V3-910-490-WNG |
DS |
Monkey Anti-West Nile Virus NS1 Protein
(WNV-NS1) IgM ELISA kit, 96 tests,
Quantitative |
1 kit |
V3-910-495-WNM |
DS |
Horse Anti-Zaire Ebola virus
glycoprotein IgG ELISA Kit, 96 tests,
Quantitative |
1 kit |
V3-AE-320690-1 |
DS |
Horse Primary Antibody (A+G+M) detection
and titration ELISA kit, Qualitative
(sufficient for 500-1000 tests) |
1 kit |
V3-80173 |
DS |
Host Cell Proteins - HCP (E. coli) EIA
Kit |
96 wells |
CAY-18919-96 |
DS |
Host Cell Proteins (E.coli) ELISA kit |
96 wells |
BER-A05034.96 |
DS |
Chemi-Verse™ HPK1 (MAP4K1) Kinase Assay
Kit |
96 reactions |
BPS-82576 |
DS |
HPK1 Assay Kit |
96 rxns. |
BPS-79775 |
DS |
Highly Reactive Oxygen Species (hROS)
Detection Kit |
150 Tests |
ICT-FLAPF100-2 |
QuantiChrom™ HRP Detection Reagent |
200 tests |
BAS-DTMB-200 |
DS |
QuantiFluo™ HRP Detection Reagent |
500 tests |
DS |
HSA:FcRn Neutralizing Antibody Screening
Chemiluminescence Assay Kit |
96 reactions |
BPS-82151-1 |
DS |
HSA:FcRn Neutralizing Antibody Screening
Chemiluminescence Assay Kit |
384 reactions |
BPS-82151-2 |
DS |
96 well |
STR-SKT-106-96 |
DS |
HSP70 Assay Kit |
96 rxns. |
BPS-78414 |
DS |
96 well |
STR-SKT-105-96 |
DS |
HSP70 ELISA Kit (High-Sensitivity) |
96 well |
STR-SKT-108-96 |
DS |
HSP90 alpha ELISA Kit |
96 well |
STR-SKT-107-96 |
DS |
HSP90α (C-Terminal Domain) TR-FRET Kit |
384 rxns. |
BPS-50261 |
DS |
HSP90α (C-Terminal) Inhibitor Screening
Assay Kit |
384 rxns. |
BPS-50317 |
DS |
HSP90α (N-terminal) Assay Kit |
384 rxns. |
BPS-50298 |
DS |
HSP90α N-Terminal Domain Assay Kit |
96 rxns. |
BPS-50293 |
DS |
HSP90α C-Terminal Domain TR-FRET Assay
Kit |
96 rxns. |
BPS-50289 |
DS |
HSP90β (C-Terminal Domain) TR-FRET Kit |
96 reactions |
BPS-50262-1 |
DS |
HSP90β (C-Terminal Domain) TR-FRET Kit |
384 rxns. |
BPS-50262 |
DS |
HSP90β (C-Terminal Domain) TR-FRET Kit |
384 reactions |
BPS-50262-2 |
DS |
HSP90β (C-terminal) Inhibitor Screening
Kit |
384 rxns. |
BPS-50314 |
DS |
HSP90β (N-terminal) Assay Kit |
384 rxns. |
BPS-50299 |
DS |
HSP90β N-Terminal Domain Assay Kit |
96 rxns. |
BPS-50294 |
DS |
Human ADRA1B Reporter Assay System, 1 x
384-well format assays |
1 x 384 wells |
IND-IB31102 |
DS |
Human ADRA1B Reporter Assay System, 1x
96-well format assay |
1 x 96 wells |
IND-IB31101 |
DS |
Human ADRA1D Reporter Assay System, 1 x
384-well format assays |
1 x 384 wells |
IND-IB31202 |
DS |
Human ADRA1D Reporter Assay System, 1x
96-well format assay |
1 x 96 wells |
IND-IB31201 |
DS |
Human ADRB1 Reporter Assay System, 1 x
384-well format assays |
1 x 384 wells |
IND-IB32002 |
DS |
Human ADRB1 Reporter Assay System, 1x
96-well format assay |
1 x 96 wells |
IND-IB32001 |
DS |
Human Angiopoietin-like Protein 4 ELISA |
96 wells |
BLA-BA3009 |
Human Apolipoprotein M ELISA |
96 wells |
BLA-BA3007 |
Human G-CSFR Assay System, 1 x 384-well
format assays |
1 x 384 wells |
IND-IB30102 |
Human G-CSFR Reporter Assay System, 1x
96-well format assay |
1 x 96 wells |
IND-IB30101 |
DS |
Human GLP-1R Reporter Assay System, 1 x
384-well format assays |
1 x 384 wells |
IND-IB33002 |
Human GLP-1R Reporter Assay System, 1x
96-well format assay |
1 x 96 wells |
IND-IB33001 |
DS |
Human IgA ELISA Kit |
96 wells |
CAY-502520-96 |
DS |
Human IgE Chemiluminescent ELISA Kit |
96 reactions |
BPS-82720 |
DS |
Human IgE Colorimetric ELISA Kit |
96 reactions |
BPS-82721 |
DS |
Human IgE ELISA Kit |
96 wells |
CAY-502530-96 |
DS |
Human IGF-Binding Protein 1 (IGFBP1)
ELISA Kit, 96 tests, Quantitative |
1 kit |
V3-0900 |
DS |
Human IgG Chemiluminescent ELISA Kit |
96 reactions |
BPS-82611 |
DS |
Human IgG Colorimetric ELISA Kit |
96 reactions |
BPS-82612 |
DS |
Human Primary Antibody (IgA) detection
and titration ELISA kit, Qualitative
(sufficient for 500-1000 tests) |
1 kit |
V3-80170-A |
DS |
Human Primary Antibody (IgE) detection
and titration ELISA kit, Qualitative
(sufficient for 500-1000 tests) |
1 kit |
V3-80170-E |
DS |
Human Primary Antibody (IgG1) detection
and titration ELISA kit, Qualitative
(sufficient for 500-1000 tests) |
1 kit |
V3-80170-G1 |
DS |
Human Primary Antibody (IgG2) detection
and titration ELISA kit, Qualitative
(sufficient for 500-1000 tests) |
1 kit |
V3-80170-G2 |
DS |
Human Serum IgG3 detection and titration
ELISA kit, Qualitative (sufficient for
500-1000 tests) |
1 kit |
V3-80170-G3 |
DS |
Human Serum IgG4 detection and titration
ELISA kit, Qualitative (sufficient for
500-1000 tests) |
1 kit |
V3-80170-G4 |
DS |
Human Serum IgM detection and titration
ELISA kit, Qualitative (sufficient for
500-1000 tests) |
1 kit |
V3-80170-M |
DS |
Human Therapeutic IgG1 ELISA Kit |
96 wells |
CAY-500910-96 |
DS |
Human Therapeutic IgG2 ELISA Kit |
96 wells |
CAY-500960-96 |
DS |
Human Therapeutic IgG4 ELISA Kit |
96 wells |
CAY-500920-96 |
DS |
Human Thyroid Stimulating Hormone (TSH)
ELISA Kit, 96 tests, Quantitative |
1 kit |
V3-0600 |
DS |
Human Urinary Trypsin Inhibitor ELISA |
96 wells |
BLA-BA3010 |
Human Zinc-Alpha-2-Glycoprotein ELISA |
96 wells |
BLA-BA3008 |
Humanized (plant expressed) Anti-Ebola
GP IgGs ELISA kit, 96 tests,
Quantitative |
1 kit |
V3-AE-320810-1 |
DS |
Humanized/Human Anti-Anthrax Protective
Antigen 83 (PA83) IgG activity ELISA
kit, 96 tests, quantitative |
1 kit |
V3-900-155-HPA |
Humira/Adalimumab ELISA Kit for dog, 96
tests, quantitative |
1 kit |
V3-200-300-ADG |
DS |
Humira/Adalimumab ELISA Kit for human,
96 tests, quantitative |
1 kit |
V3-200-310-AHG |
DS |
QuantiChrom™ Hyaluronidase Inhibitor
Screening Assay Kit |
100 tests |
BAS-DIHY-100 |
DS |
Hydrogen Peroxide Assay |
100 wells |
AKR-MA-0145 |
DS |
Hydrogen Peroxide Assay Kit |
96 wells |
CAY-600050-96 |
DS |
Hydrogen Peroxide Assay Kit |
480 wells |
CAY-600050-480 |
DS |
Hydrogen Peroxide Colorimetric Detection
Kit |
2 96-Well Plates |
ICT-9132 |
Hydrogen Peroxide Fluorescent Detection
Kit |
2 96-Well Plates |
ICT-9131 |
Hydrogen Peroxide Ratiometric MaxSpec™
Kit |
1 ea |
CAY-601460-1 |
DS |
β-Hydroxybutyrate Assay (F) |
100 wells |
AKR-MA-0304 |
DS |
Hydroxyproline Assay |
100 wells |
AKR-MA-0101 |
DS |
Hyperoxidized Peroxiredoxin-3 Polyclonal
Antibody |
100 µg |
CAY-39806-100 |
DS |
Fluorescent Hypochlorite Detection Kit |
100 Tests |
ICT-FLOCL100-2 |
Human hypoxia-inducible transcription
factor 1 alpha (HIF-1 alpha) ELISA Kit,
96 tests, Quantitative |
1 kit |
V3-100-530-HIF |